Tuesday 29 November 2011

Conventions of the 'Thriller' genre in films

As I discussed earlier, a thriller aims to thrill the audience. This is done by employing a well known set of conventions, mainly these are:-
  • Male protagonist - usually very macho or highly intelligent, or sometimes both.
  • Female or Child is the vulnerable victim who needs to be saved by the hero.
  • Antagonist usually on a par with the protagonist (can match their strength, can play mental mind games, etc). Also, unlike other action based film genres (i.e. Horrors), the antagonist in a thriller is often known to the audience and/or protagonist straight from the outset. And the antagonist often will engage in some sort of communication with the protagonist as well, e.g. telling them riddles through a phone call, etc.
  • Fast editing and camerawork
  • Plot revolves around a crime, mystery, etc.
  • Protagonist does NOT always defeat the antagonist, or at least not without some sort of sacrifice.
  • Fast tempo non-diegetic music.
  • Emphasis on some diegetic sounds, e.g. the ticking of a clock which is counting down the time for a bomb to explode.

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