Sunday 19 February 2012

Comparison - Opening Scene from a Comedy

So now you have seen my analysis of 3 thriller opening scenes and their conventions. Now I will briefly analyse the opening scene from a different genre, a comedy genre. I will note the differences between the comedy film and the 3 thriller films, i.e. different music, brightness and vibrance of on screen action, camerawork, etc...
The film I have chosen to analyse for comedy is:
  • 'The Longest Yard' (2005) - Sports comedy starring Adam Sandler. When ex-Pro NFL Football player, Paul Crewe, is sent to prison for drunk driving, he is forced to assemble a team of fellow prisoners to play against the Prison guards. Nobody expects the prisoners to pull off a win against the highly skilled Allenwell Guards team. But the guards cruel behaviour towards the prisoners over the years leaves the hardest, meanest convicts up for revenge... and now they're being given the opportunity - LEGALLY!

The opening scene of 'The Longest Yard' is the complete opposite of anything thriller conventional, not surprising, seen as The Longest Yard is a comedy - NOT a thriller. The non-diagetic music is very party like, and jovial, as oppose to tension building or suspenseful. The dialogue is very comic/friendly, and there is nothing unsettling for audience members. Shot editing is casual and relaxed, conventional to the laid-back, feel-good comedy film genre. The main character in the film (played by Adam Sandler), is first seen drunk and eating junk food whilst watching T.V. This is typical of comedies, as the film needs to immediately make the audience smile/laugh, and The Longest Yard does this successfully.

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