Saturday 10 March 2012

DOMINO Productions: LOGO.

I have created a logo for our production team, as it has became apparent to me that all media institutions have one. I have designed the logo so that it is relative to our teams name. Hence the logo being a set of Dominoes spelling out DOMINO; the name of our team.

I realise it is only basic, but it still looks sufficient enough to represent our team (at least in our opinion). Despite this, we are looking into designing an 'ident' (an animation that IDENTifies a media institution/product) for our film company, which we would use at the start of all films produced by us. Below are some examples of other film company logos.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Shooting Schedule

We have created a shooting schedule for our film (embedded below)  so that when it comes to our filming process of our project, we (myself, Becky, Laura, and Jess) know what shot we need, where we need it, and who is needed in that shot.

A shooting schedule should show the type of shot, which shot it is, and describe briefly what happens in the shot. It should also state the scene in which the shot takes place in so that the production team know where the shot fits into the film. It doesn't matter what order you take the shots in, as long as when you edit the film you then put the shots in their correct chronological order.

Shooting Schedule


Above is our Animatic for our film. It should give you an idea of what our final film will look like.

As part of the planning process for our film, we have created an animatic. If you are wondering just what an 'animatic' is, I have found the following description from Wikipedia:

'The storyboarding stage of a film may be followed by simplified mock-ups called "animatics" to give a better idea of how the scene will look and feel with motion and timing. At its simplest, an animatic is a series of still images edited together and displayed in sequence. More commonly, a rough dialogue and/or rough sound track is added to the sequence of still images (usually taken from a storyboard) to test whether the sound and images are working effectively together.'
Our animatic has now been completed, we have changed a view things from the storyboard, as you will no doubt realise. The animatic is displayed below.


Below is our storyboard:

This is our storyboard, a storyboard is used to show the camera operators and directors what generally happens in each shot and what type of shot it is. In our film we are using quite a lot of point of view shots, from the fathers point of view. Also, we are using a few shot reverse shots to show the argument between the stepdad and the girl.
Storyboards are very effective as they can give you an idea of what your film will flow like.

Costume/Character Research (Specifics)


This is a picture of Mike Delfino out of Desperate Housewives, he is an ex-convict and he has stubble and a mysterious look about him, this is the type of person we want to play the real father. However, we want him to wear all black as black represents bad people.


We have decided that we want the stepfather to be wearing a suit like the man in this picture, this is so that he looks like he is higher up on the social hierarchy than the real dad implying he is a better person.


I have chosen this image from the Inbetweeners because it shows the teenagers all in the same school uniform but worn differently, the main teenage girl would be the girl on the right with her tie undone as this would show she is quite a naughty character.


I have chosen this image of a young girl because she is looking cute as she is looking up, this is the type of shot that we want in the flashback as she looks very innocent.


This image of quite a young mother is the type of person we want to play our young mom as she is very fresh faced and looks asif she could do no harm and is motherly.

Saturday 3 March 2012

Location Research (Specifics)

Below I have uploaded several pictures of schools, house living rooms, abandoned houses (exterior), and police stations/prisons. I have done this as we will feature settings similiar to these in our film.

There is also a PREZI embedded below for your viewing:

Location and Props Research

Because we will be required to shoot our film on location, I felt it necessary to delve into the conventions of thriller settings. I have posted some of my findings below, as well as research into conventional costumes used in thrillers also.

  • Dark, grotty underground areas.
  • Derelict stations/woodland.
  • Night time
  • Dense areas of forestry
  • Abandoned warehouses
  • Cages (fight arenas)
  • Mental hospitals
  • Prison
(NOTE: 'Tormented' challenges the convention of thrillers... it is set mostly in the day light, and adds an element of comedy. Still midnight scenes though, so not completely unconventional.)

  • Young women tend to wear very little... i.e. "enough to cover the important bits, but as little as possible to keep you interested."
  • Young men tend to wear adequate clothing for most of the film... although the occasional action sequence may find the male heroes topless.
  • Older men (and older women) tend to be fully clothed at ALL times during the film (we're talking jackets, heavy trousers, dress shoes, hats...)
  • Clothes are often dull, or just gradient, i.e. black, white, etc.
  • Bad guy characters often have concealed faces (they don hoodies, bandanas, robes, masks, etc...)
  • Weaponry tends to range from melee (axes, swords, machetes, clubs, etc) to any kind of firearm or explosive (pistols, shotguns, sniper rifles, bombs, grenades). None of these are unheard of within the genre.

Film Script (with research)

Seen as we at 'DOMINO M.G.' will have to write a script for our film, I have felt it necessary to here post some information about scripts.

A script is a document that is written for a film. It contains the lines/dialogue that will be spoken by characters within the film, and hence it is given to actors and actresses that have been cast for the film. They are then expected to learn the script so they know exactly what to say for their lines when it comes to shooting the film.

A definition of Script Writing would be:
"Script writing is the activity of creating a script for any person or people to perform. Though it is most often associated with the movie and television industries, script writing is also an important part of live theatre, news casting, advertising, sales and education."

Dean Becky Laura Jess

Our Film Treatment: Final Draft

After reviewing the feedback from our last treatment, we have put together this refined edition. Embedded below:

Treatment Final Draft

Treatment Feedback

We presented our treatment to Mr Hood and had a very lengthy discussion about it. It was said that there were no actual issues with our treatment, however, after discussion we have decided to add a back story to the father. We want to imply to the audience that he is a dangerous man without using dialogue, therefore we are going to add a scene at the start with him walking out of a prison, however, we will have to pick costumes carefully to show that he is in fact an ex-prisoner rather than a prison officer.
We realised early on that showing the dad actually being arrested would be quite difficult, and the police may refuse to do such a scene for us. Instead, to show that the dad is about to be arrested, we have decided that far off police sirens will be added into our flashback scene to indicate that the police are on their way to the family residence.