Saturday 14 April 2012

Construction 2: Shooting on Location

We have now conducted the shooting for our film. We as a group had a few disputes when it came to agreeing on what shots we needed and which ones we didnt. This has however been resolved and our shooting has now been completed.

Our first shots were of Bloxwich Police station and establishing shots of GWPAHS. This went well, and was managed in quite a short amount of time. Our next shots were of the flashback scene we have in our film. This was at first problematic, mainly because the little girl we had cast in the film was uncomfortable acting in front of strangers like myself. We therefore cast a different girl, who acted out our scenes very well and the scene was a great success. The last bit of filming was done outside GWPAHS, this made up the main bulk of our film. This was also a successful shoot.

Lessons we have learned from this shoot most definitely would have to be that we need to be FULLY organised before a shoot, so we avoid inner team disputes which is not healthy for a media group that needs to rely on each of the members.

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